
Samurai Sword Training Workshop

Saturday 19 – 15.00 : 16.30

Reserve your spot


In Sensei Zen Takai’s Samurai Sword Training Workshop, participants will explore the philosophy and discipline behind the sword—more than just a weapon, it is a tool for balancing mind, body, and spirit. Drawing on his 16 generations of Samurai and Ninja lineage, Sensei Takai teaches that the sword embodies the Samurai philosophy of balance and peace. The workshop introduces techniques for mastering the sword as a form of moving meditation, helping participants align their inner world with the physical discipline of swordsmanship.

Through precision, fluidity, and mindfulness, students will learn how to use the sword as a metaphor for life—striking a balance between strength and compassion. Training in this art not only develops physical prowess but also fosters mental clarity, emotional control, and a profound connection with the self. The ultimate goal is to apply these teachings in everyday life, using the sword’s symbolism to navigate modern challenges with calmness, focus, and a Zen mindset.

Sensei Zen Takai

Born in Fukuoka, Japan, Sensei Zen Takai comes from a prestigious lineage of 16 generations of Samurai and Ninja, descendants of the legendary Hattori Hanzo. As the last heir of his Samurai lineage, Sensei Takai has taken on the mission of sharing “The Zen Samurai Way” with the world, ensuring that these ancient teachings remain relevant in modern times.